An interview with Christophe Triquet, CEO at Benefiz

July 3, 2024
OneRagtime is a venture capital platform that finances and scales early-stage start-ups. Our fully digitised investment process offers our exclusive investors community the freedom and flexibility to choose how they invest, on a deal-by-deal basis or via our funds.

Benefiz, a platform that maximizes social benefits for employees of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), is one of the gems in the portfolio of the venture capital fund OneRagtime, co-founded by Stéphanie Hospital. Together with Christophe Triquet, a serial entrepreneur behind Meilleurtaux and now founder and CEO of Benefiz, they reflect on the history of this investment and the importance of sharing a common vision for investment.

Decideurs: Why did you decide to work together?

Stéphanie Hospital: The personality and experienced entrepreneurial background of Christophe Triquet convinced us. The fact that he decided to invest heavily in his own project inspired our confidence. His commitment reflected a shared vision of entrepreneurship. We were also reassured by the presence of co-investors such as Edenred Capital and insurance industry personalities, which suggested good synergy around the development of Benefiz. We were happy to have succeeded in convincing Christophe to choose OneRagtime as an investor.

Christophe Triquet: Beyond getting along well and the greatest luxury for an entrepreneur being able to work with people who share our values, OneRagtime was very familiar with the insurance sector. The fund had been among the investors of +Simple, which is already a great success story. Finally, Stéphanie's impressive network and her ability to mobilize an entire ecosystem indeed influenced us.

"We are coaches among others, because an entrepreneur remains the pilot" - Stéphanie Hospital

How is your collaboration organized today?

S. H.: We entered Benefiz's capital in 2022 during a Series A funding round of 7 million euros, to which OneRagtime contributed 2 million euros. Since then, we have also invested in Estaly, a startup specializing in simplifying insurance services, where Christophe is also among the investors. We connect with partners, whether they are companies to meet or investment players. But I like to say that we are coaches among others because an entrepreneur remains the pilot and must know how to surround himself and listen to decide what is best for his company.

C. T.: Our teams are very close. A former member of OneRagtime even recently joined Benefiz. Moreover, Stéphanie is very supportive; even in disagreement, we know how to express it, debate, and always move forward for the best. The rest of the board, including Edenred Capital, is balanced. Everyone has complementary reflexes, which is important for the future.

What vision of venture capital do you share?

C. T.: OneRagtime joined Benefiz's capital shortly before the tech valuation crisis. This context revealed our common investment philosophy: an efficient capital approach where profitability is a shared objective. Our team was reassured to see a VC fund committed to creating profitable businesses.

S. H.: We like to invest in "super entrepreneurs," with their heads in the stars and feet on the ground, with a business vision, collaborators, revenue, and a profitability project.

"Currently, 50% of employees in France work in SMEs and do not have access to the benefits of large groups" - Christophe Triquet

What are your development projects today?

C. T.: Since 2022 and the arrival of OneRagtime, Benefiz has been working with 3,500 companies, representing nearly 50,000 insured employees. We are at 95% of our annual objectives, with growth tripling in one year. Ultimately, the company aims to play a role in consolidating social benefits brokerage. Currently, 50% of employees in France work in SMEs and do not have access to the benefits of large groups. Benefiz's project is to enable smaller companies to have the same opportunities and social benefits.

S. H.: The relationship created with brokers, as a vector of the offer, is also a very powerful development axis that Christophe's team has successfully mobilized. In the medium to long term, the insurance brokerage profession could evolve thanks to Benefiz.

🔎 In Focus

  • Fund Entry: March 2022
  • Initial Investment: €2 million