OneRagtime partners with Louvre Banqué Privée

December 5, 2022
OneRagtime is a venture capital platform that finances and scales early-stage start-ups. Our fully digitised investment process offers our exclusive investors community the freedom and flexibility to choose how they invest, on a deal-by-deal basis or via our funds.

Louvre Banque Privée and OneRagtime, a new-generation venture capital fund, today signed a distribution partnership. The aim of the partnership is to complement Louvre Banque Privée's private equity offering for wealth management clients by giving them access to a diversified portfolio of innovative French and European start-ups.

In addition to its range of high value-added products and services, both in terms of financing solutions and diversification of global savings, Louvre Banque Privée will now be able to offer its clients privileged access to investments rigorously selected by the OneRagtime teams.

A specialist in early-stage venture capital, OneRagtime has already invested in over 40 start-ups since its creation. OneRagtime's experience and innovative model, based on its community of more than 250 investors and its technology platform, were key factors in establishing this partnership.

'This partnership enables us to offer a differentiated private equity product, the preferred asset class of our entrepreneurial clients,' said Jean-Marc Ribes, Chairman of the Management Board of Louvre Banque Privée. He adds: 'we chose OneRagtime because it shares our values as a positive and socially responsible private bank, particularly through its selection of young, innovative companies that respect ESG criteria.

"Since its creation, OneRagtime has surrounded itself with key players in the world of entrepreneurship, investment and institutions. Today, we are taking a new step and are proud to join forces with Louvre Banque Privée. This partnership demonstrates the evolution and democratization of the tech ecosystem, which is no longer the exclusive domain of entrepreneurs and financial specialists. We are delighted to welcome their clients to our community of investors, and look forward to putting our expertise at their service," said Stephanie Hospital, CEO and founder of OneRagtime.