Revealing our investments performances
April 27, 2023
At OneRagtime, we took the time to understand how our investments have performed since our start in 2017: we achieved a DPI of 0.67x and a TVPI of 5.33x over our first 4 years of investment.

The historical median for venture funds is a DPI of 0.59x and a TVPI of 1.76x in France (France Invest/ Ernst & Young study, "Net performance of French private equity at the end of 2021").

Thanks to all our investors, entrepreneurs and partners for trusting us since the beginning of OneRagtime. And of course the talented OneRagteam!
France Invest definitions:
DPI (Distribution to Paid-in) is the effective rate of return on investment.
TVPI (Total Value to Paid-in) measures the sum of the actual and potential rates of return on investment.